What’s a Tuatara?

It may look like a lizard, but it isn’t. The tuatara is a reptile native to New Zealand and is the only living member of the order Sphenodontia, which existed around the same time as dinosaurs.

The name “tuatara” comes from the Maori for “peaks on the back”, as tuatara have spiny crests along their backs. The tuatara also has a third eye on the top of its head called the parietal eye. This eye has a retina, lens, cornea, and nerve endings, but isn’t used for vision. 

Why Tuatara Building?

The founder of the company, Luke, is a New Zealander and he chose the tuatara to represent the company as a national icon of his homeland. They are viewed as guardians of knowledge and, with their remarkable heritage, are also symbolic of being “built to last”.

Learn more about Our Services at Tuatara Building, a residential building company in South-West London.

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